New to investing

We're here to help.

Whether you’re new to investing or know a thing or two, there’s a lot to discover.

One of things you will have heard is the importance of a diverse portfolio. Having a wide range of investments can help manage the ups and downs of individual sectors.

At Charter Hall, property is our speciality, and because of our managed funds, it's also a highly accessible asset class. Together we can help build your wealth, even if this is your first investment. 

All information on this page is of a general nature only. For specific advice relating to your needs, please speak with a financial adviser.


View investment guide

What is commercial property investing?

When you invest in commercial property, you are purchasing real estate for businesses or government agencies to then lease. Commercial property investing can be complex. We breakdown some important commercial property terms you'll need to know. As with all investment options, commercial property has its advantages and risks. You must understand both before making a decision.

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Sydney City

Investment options with Charter Hall

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Charter Hall Direct Property Funds

Charter Hall Direct is one of Australia’s leading direct property fund managers, owning and managing assets across the office, industrial and retail property sectors.

We’ve been managing unlisted property funds and syndicates for investors, including SMSFs and high net worth individuals, since 1995, and our products have consistently been highly rated by independent research groups.


Suitable for:

  • Private investors
  • Those new to investing
  • Finding opportunities outside the main markets
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Charter Hall Listed Property Funds (A-REITS)

Listed Property Funds, also known as Australian real estate investment trusts (A-REITs), provide investors with exposure to commercial property. A-REITs are traded on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), which provides the benefit of daily liquidity.

You can invest in Charter Hall Group itself, or in one of the three funds we manage and gain exposure to the properties they hold.


Suitable for

  • A more flexible investment, with no minimum term
  • Those looking to diversify their portfolio
  • Stable long term performance and dividend yield
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Charter Hall Unlisted Wholesale Property Funds

Available to wholesale and institutional investors only, our unlisted wholesale property funds offer a defensive investment as a long-term core holding. These funds are appropriate for pension funds and large superannuation providers.


Suitable for

  • Institutional/wholesale investors
  • Sovereign wealth funds
  • Institutions looking for long-term holdings and investments of minimum $10 million

Resources to help you on your journey

Property portfolios

Learn more about Charter Hall properties by exploring our property portfolio. 



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News and insights

Read news from across the business. Keep up to date with what's happening in our funds and property sectors.


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ASX announcements

All ASX announcements are now available, making it easier for you to stay up-to-date on the latest market news.


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Important Information
Important Information This material has been prepared for information purposes only. This website is not an offer to sell or a solicitation or an offer to subscribe or purchase or a recommendation of any securities referred to herein and the information has not taken into account any potential investors' personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before investing, you should consider your own objectives, financial situation and needs or you should obtain financial, legal and/or taxation advice. For more information see relevant funds’ Product Disclosure Statement and target market determination.